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Average Rating: 

Individual Ratings:
Josh: 4.00
Kevin: 4.00
Curtis: 3.50
Andrew: 3.25
Game box
Players: 3 - 7
Play Time: 20 - 20min.
Rated Game
Year Published: 2004
Designer(s): Thorsten Gimmler
BGG Rank: 396
Average Weight: 0.00000
Best with 5 players
Player Rating Games Wins High Score Low Score
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Game History

Date: 05/26/2019    Players: 4    Winner: Josh    Winning Score: 27      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Josh 27 1241 1258
2 Kevin 28 1293 1291
3 Andrew 31 1106 1103
4 Wendy 50 1129 1110

Date: 03/25/2018    Players: 3    Winner: Wendy    Winning Score: 28      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Wendy 28 1108 1129
2 Josh 31 1243 1241
3 Kevin 40 1315 1293

Date: 07/16/2017    Players: 3    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 20      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 20 1306 1315
2 Wendy 25 1102 1108
3 Josh 87 1261 1243

Date: 02/26/2017    Players: 3    Winner: Wendy    Winning Score: 20      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Wendy 20 1080 1102
2 Kevin 28 1312 1306
3 Josh 64 1280 1261

Date: 05/29/2016    Players: 4    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 31      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 31 1299 1312
2 Andrew 33 1069 1106
3 Josh 36 1297 1280
4 Wendy 37 1097 1080

Date: 04/30/2016    Players: 5    Winner: Josh    Winning Score: 2      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Josh 2 1266 1297
2 Wendy 13 1058 1097
3 Kevin 23 1320 1299
4 Andrew 42 1082 1069
5 Curtis 65 1200 1133

Date: 11/01/2015    Players: 3    Winner: Josh    Winning Score: 20      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Josh 20 1245 1266
2 Kevin 48 1332 1320
3 Wendy 116 1070 1058

Date: 11/01/2015    Players: 3    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 39      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 39 1317 1332
2 Wendy 59 1056 1070
3 Josh 67 1277 1245

Date: 08/30/2015    Players: 4    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 16      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 16 1296 1317
2 Josh 40 1277 1277
3 Andrew 52 1082 1082
4 Wendy 135 1082 1056

Date: 08/30/2015    Players: 4    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 12      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 12 1271 1296
2 Josh 34 1277 1277
3 Wendy 35 1083 1082
4 Andrew 57 1124 1082

Date: 08/30/2015    Players: 4    Winner: Josh    Winning Score: 16      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Josh 16 1234 1277
2 Kevin 18 1271 1271
3 Wendy 39 1081 1083
4 Andrew 63 1175 1124

Date: 07/19/2015    Players: 4    Winner: Josh    Winning Score: 8      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Josh 8 1182 1234
2 Andrew 28 1151 1175
3 Kevin 44 1313 1271
4 Wendy 96 1121 1081

Date: 07/19/2015    Players: 4    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 20      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 20 1279 1313
2 Josh 25 1159 1182
3 Andrew 33 1164 1151
4 Wendy 47 1171 1121

Date: 06/21/2015    Players: 3    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 25      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 25 1252 1279
2 Wendy 37 1167 1171
3 Josh 40 1193 1159

Date: 06/21/2015    Players: 3    Winner: Wendy    Winning Score: 31      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Wendy 31 1120 1167
2 Kevin 34 1261 1252
3 Josh 96 1234 1193

Date: 12/27/2014    Players: 4    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 32      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 32 1213 1261
2 Josh 51 1224 1234
3 Andrew 57 1180 1164
4 Wendy 70 1168 1120

Date: 12/27/2014    Players: 4    Winner: Josh    Winning Score: 22      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Josh 22 1166 1224
2 Kevin 42 1197 1213
3 Andrew 43 1200 1180
4 Wendy 82 1228 1168

Date: 12/21/2014    Players: 3    Winner: Wendy    Winning Score: 10      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Wendy 10 1193 1228
2 Kevin 20 1198 1197
3 Josh 60 1203 1166

Date: 12/21/2014    Players: 3    Winner: Josh    Winning Score: 47      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Josh 47 1164 1203
2 Kevin 68 1199 1198
3 Wendy 90 1234 1193

Date: 12/21/2014    Players: 3    Winner: Wendy    Winning Score: 52      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Wendy 52 1200 1234
2 Kevin 55 1200 1199
3 Josh 84 1200 1164