Manhattan Project, The
Average Rating: 

Individual Ratings:
Curtis: 5.00
Andrew: 3.75
Jacob: 3.25
Game box
Players: 2 - 5
Play Time: 120 - 120min.
Rated Game
Year Published: 2012
Designer(s): Brandon Tibbetts
BGG Rank: 222
Average Weight: 2.96760
Best with 4 players
Player Rating Games Wins High Score Low Score
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Game History

Date: 04/06/2024    Players: 3    Winner: Amy    Winning Score: 60      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Amy 60 1164 1201
2 Curtis 54 1226 1221
3 Jacob 30 1171 1138
Pakistan wins!

Date: 10/28/2023    Players: 2    Winner: Curtis    Winning Score: 74      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 74 1215 1226
2 Jacob 6 1188 1171

Date: 02/25/2022    Players: 2    Winner: Jacob    Winning Score: 72      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Jacob 72 1168 1188
2 Curtis 51 1236 1215

Date: 07/31/2020    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 74      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 74 1251 1268
2 Curtis 6 1254 1236

Date: 04/11/2020    Players: 2    Winner: Curtis    Winning Score: 76      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 76 1240 1254
2 Jacob 29 1183 1168

Date: 12/07/2018    Players: 2    Winner: Curtis    Winning Score: 77      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 77 1224 1240
2 Jacob 48 1200 1183
Curtis-India Jacob- N Korea Played with no rockets

Date: 04/07/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Curtis    Winning Score: 100      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 100 1207 1224
2 Collin 60 1203 1185
Collin- Brazil Curtis- South Africa

Date: 04/02/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 83      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 83 1235 1251
2 Curtis 39 1224 1207

Date: 11/10/2015    Players: 2    Winner: Collin    Winning Score: 82      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Collin 82 1183 1203
2 Curtis 27 1245 1224
"Collin bombed the hell out of me continuously and it led to total victory...", quoth the Curtis. Collin: Australia Curtis: South Africa

Date: 06/28/2015    Players: 2    Winner: Curtis    Winning Score: 74      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 74 1229 1245
2 Collin 6 1200 1183
This was the first game played with rockets. That is, if you consider thermonuclear war to be some kind of game...

Date: 06/13/2015    Players: 3    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 64      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 64 1199 1235
2 Curtis 41 1234 1229
3 Josh 40 1200 1166

Date: 05/08/2015    Players: 3    Winner: Curtis    Winning Score: 60      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 60 1200 1234
2 Andrew 43 1200 1199
3 Amy 26 1200 1164