Pandemic Legacy
Average Rating: 

Individual Ratings:
Andrew: 4.50
Curtis: 4.50
Josh: 4.50
Kevin: 4.50
Jacob: 3.50
Game box
Players: 2 - 4
Play Time: 60 - 60min.
Unrated Game
Year Published: 2015
Designer(s): Rob Daviau, Matt Leacock
BGG Rank: 2
Average Weight: 2.82790
Best with 4 players
Player Rating Games Wins High Score Low Score
The Game0361600
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Game History

Date: 03/25/2018    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Curtis 437 0 0
2 Jacob 437 0 0
Late Dec - A few strangers get together to try and save the world. A valiant effort but no such luck. Outbreaks at all 4 corners of the earth create a situation where in the end there is no escape. Final score - "The Struggle Continues" for generations. Millions died and the military complex was victorious. Pretty bleak stuff.

Date: 03/25/2018    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Curtis 0 0 0
2 Jacob 0 0 0
Early Dec - Came in from 3 straight months of success. But Europe devolved quickly and before much could be done the world plunged into chaos. One last chance to save the world!

Date: 02/03/2018    Players: 3    Winners: Curtis, Jacob    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 0 0 0
1 Jacob 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Early November and the team keeps on rolling with another beat down of the virus and the government secrets! It came down to the wire but we were victorious again (4 in a row!) Now for the final showdown in Dec!!

Date: 12/28/2017    Players: 3    Winners: Curtis, Jacob    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 0 0 0
1 Jacob 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Early Oct. The faded started moving across Europe and all seemed bleak but then we found the soldier. Once we found out the truth we were motivated to push through and win the day. Dora had to be put down for her traitorous ways which John Vandertunt handled without hesitation. The group is now clearly on a collision course to find the DNA samples so we can save the world!!

Date: 12/27/2017    Players: 3    Winners: Curtis, Jacob    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 0 0 0
1 Jacob 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Early Sept - Started out with an epidemic right out of the gate and faded were breathing down our necks in nearly every city. But, we rallied together and found immunologist and won the month. We were not able to find the soldier who is spreading fear but we will look for him in Oct.

Date: 12/23/2017    Players: 3    Winners: Curtis, Jacob    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 0 0 0
1 Jacob 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Early Aug - Win!! Sadly we were unable to find the immunologist. We had serious last minute quarantines to push through for victory in the last moments of the game. In addition to losing a key person we needed to find, all of us took heavy scars at the end to make sure we won. It was brutal and now Col. Jobob and Dora are 1 scar away from death... this just got real!

Date: 10/20/2017    Players: 3    Winners: Curtis, Jacob    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 0 0 0
1 Jacob 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Late July - Win!!

Date: 05/21/2017    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Curtis 0 0 0
2 Jacob 0 0 0
Col jobob, jacob, and Dora set out in early July and quickly tracked down the missing virologist. All was going well and the cure for Coda should be coming soon. But then the last card before the game was won caused an outbreak in a faded city and all was lost. Late July should go better hopefully.

Date: 04/22/2017    Players: 3    Winners: Curtis, Jacob    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 0 0 0
1 Jacob 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Jacob, Dora, an Col Jobob set out to make sure this world stayed safe! They refused to lose 3 in a row. Quickly all the diseases were cured and most were eradicated. But we still needed to build another military base in South America. Just then, we got the help we needed and jacob swapped out for Jimmie John who built the final base and saved the world, at least for for June...

Date: 03/14/2017    Players: 4    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Curtis 0 0 0
2 Collin 0 0 0
2 Jacob 0 0 0
We played our first 3 player game and we were doing awesome, all the diseases were destroyed and eradicated. We even had the final disease named (ADHD) by the guest star Collin. But then as we were down to the final card before Jake would win the game. An outbreak of faded turned into 6 more outbreaks and ended the month with our second consecutive loss. Nooooo!!!

Date: 03/07/2017    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Curtis 0 0 0
2 Jacob 0 0 0
Things started well enough and we cured the yellow fever quickly. We blocked the faded into the middle of Asia and had it all under control. But then outbreaks exploded inside the interior and we ran out of time...

Date: 02/26/2017    Players: 3    Winners: Curtis, Jacob    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 0 0 0
1 Jacob 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Late April - Played with Jimmie John, Dora, Logwen, & Jacob. We battled very evenly throughout the month never gaining or losing ground. It came down to the last card drawn for Logwen (the scientist) to cure yellow (unnamed). new research stations and military bases should help the cause in May.

Date: 10/13/2016    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Curtis 0 0 0
2 Jacob 0 0 0
early April-loss. Curtis and Jacob played as Dora, Jimmie John and Jacob. The 3 skilled characters were. I match for the faded and the zombie-like horde caused outbreaks all over the Far East and Middle East and we could not stop them even though we managed to eradicate autism. Maybe we will fare better in late April.

Date: 09/29/2016    Players: 3    Winners: Curtis, Jacob    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 0 0 0
1 Jacob 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
early march- win. Curtis and Jacob played as Dora, Jane, Jacob, and Jimmie John. The results were disastrous. The military showed up but with no supplies in order to build their bases. But, we still managed to complete the objectives and save the world for now!

Date: 07/18/2016    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Curtis 0 0 0
2 Jacob 0 0 0
Late February - loss Jacob and Curtis played with 2 characters each. The results were not good. We contained yellow and almost eradicated it totally. Meanwhile, autism spread through North America and eventually caused mass hysteria and outbreaks. It happened so fast we really didn't know what to do except hope for a better March.

Date: 05/01/2016    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 685      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 685 0 0
1 Wendy 685 0 0
1 Josh 685 0 0
1 Andrew 685 0 0
5 The Game 0 0 0
December. Well, I will keep you in suspense as long as is prudent. Tyrone, Samberly, Liv, Harima's researcher friend, and Harima joined up to try and put an end to the menace that has been attacking the globe. After all of the trouble we had earlier, we somehow managed to regain the scent, and found the stockpile of humanly created Nazi Surprise with very little problem. Seriously, a strain of mutated virus working its way through Europe, and it never dawned on us that it was a Nazi relic. We were gullible. After destroying that, we had little trouble vaccinating the rest of the infected cities. Yes, Beijing collapsed. Yes, the research in Johannesberg burned down during a riot. yes, Mumbai is still shut off from the rest of the world. Yes, we still nuked a city. I don't even remember who they were anymore. But, in the end, we succeeded. We triumphed. We have saved the world. Who cares what happened along the way?

Date: 05/01/2016    Players: 5    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
2 Josh 0 0 0
2 Andrew 0 0 0
December. Well, we thought we knew what we were doing as we entered December. We thought we were subtle. We thought we were smart. We thought we were the saviors of the world. Boy, were we wrong. Before we even started drinking our coffee at our briefing, our bosses let us know that they knew what we were doing, but that it mattered none at all. We would fail, and then be made to disappear. If the first couple of weeks are any indication, then I will not be surprised if this is true. We have been vaccinating like crazy, but still have six cities that we haven't been able to help. Worse than that, somehow, is the fact that we learned of the existence of stockpile of the mutated Coda virus. We searched frantically, but the trail went cold. If we do not pick it up soon, all will be lost. For the record, this failure was brought to you by the crack team of Harima, Marty, Tyrone, and Samberly.

Date: 05/01/2016    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
5 The Game 0 0 0
November: win Marty, Samberley, Sally, and Dr. Kureha were the heroes this month, if you can really call anybody performing acts of near terrorism heroes, that is. Dr. Kureha destroyed Military bases in New York and Buenos Aires, paving the way for the rest of the team to wreak havoc across the globe. Speaking of wreaking havoc, New York, minus their Military support, quickly became the latest victim of the faded outbreak, and London has collapsed. But London has one thing to be grateful for. They are not Mumbai. We permanently blocked Mumbai off from the rest of the world. I would feel sorry for those poor souls trapped there if they were not, you know, from Mumbai.

Date: 04/03/2016    Players: 5    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
2 Josh 0 0 0
2 Andrew 0 0 0
November: Our bosses are onto us. I am surprised we made it out of the meeting, but either they recognize that they need us to set the world right before they take it over, or they just find our actions so inconsequential that they do not care. Either way, we continue our fight against the wretched excuses for humans. We took out a base in Dehli, and managed to get four cities completely vaccinated. This is impressive due to the fact that we were almost immediately overrun by Space Herpes, and it was bleak from the very start. However, our crew of Tyrone, Sally, Dr. Kureha, and our immunologist friend A. Samberly did our very best before finally succumbing to more than we could handle. Space Herpes was the worst thing to happen to the globe this month, and that is saying something. Do you know what the second worst thing was? Tehran was bad this month. Real bad. We were running out of options, so we resorted to drastic measures. We nuked the hell out of it, and sent it back to the stone age. It is now a barren wasteland, but at least the Faded aren't even able to survive there now, right?

Date: 04/03/2016    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
5 The Game 0 0 0
October: Fresh off the disaster that was finding out about our terrible bosses, our group consisting of of Tyrone, Dr. Kureha, Maggie, and Sally set out, once again, to do our best to save the world. We struggled, but we found Patient Zero, and he was surprisingly capable of speech, most unlike most of the Faded we have seen thus far. We obtained a DNA sample, and our Immunologist friend may have actually developed a vaccine. We were hesitant to report this to our supposed superiors, but we decided it would be suspicious to withhold this kind of information. Using our incredible stealth, we destroyed two more Military bases, this time in Lima and Johannesburg, but they seem to be popping up with more frequency than before. I hope we can stay on top of this. Essen is collapsing, and Europe continues to get out of control, but at least our bosses are not onto us.

Date: 04/03/2016    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
5 The Game 0 0 0
September: Well, September was kind of a mixed bag. Having finally recovered from the trauma of being lost in the ever expanding Faded Zone, the virologist Dr. Kureha joined our ranks in place of Harima. How far has it expanded? Manila and Hong Kong have recently become infected, and Ho Chi Minh has fallen. East Asia is getting worse and worse. Our most recent task was to search for a missing soldier, and boy, did we ever find him. He was stark, raving mad, but he was also in possession of some very incriminating documents concerning the origins of our biggest threat. It might actually lead to a cure, but that is somehow the least important news. It turns out that we have been played for fools. The people we are working for have been behind this from the beginning. They are some kind of rogue organization, known as Zodiac, and we now know why they have been pushing for for such a strong military presence. Step 1 is infecting the world. Step 2 is taking it over, keeping alive only those that are considered worthy, I guess. We set out to stop them, destroying Military bases in both Taipei and Istanbul. If we are lucky, they will not learn about what we are up to. Hawkeye, by the way, was actually a traitor to our group, working for Zodiac under the code name Sagittarius. Most of us were too stunned by this revelation to do anything, but not Sally. No, Sally, with an ice cold calmness, lifted a pistol and put two bullets directly in his head.

Date: 03/12/2016    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
5 The Game 0 0 0
August. Rarely has a month come and gone with no notable events, but this was such a one. We had no trouble. We faced no dilemma that we could not overcome. No situation was beyond our capabilities. It was a calm, easy month. Now that I have typed that out, I realize how low my standards have gotten to declare something a quote, calm easy month, unquote. We still traveled across the globe battling disease. We still watched, nearly helpless, as the Faded ravaged Europe. We watched Hawkeye do an incredible act of heroism, one that nearly cost him his life, just so that we would make it through the month. I guess this is the new calm. This is the new easy. I fear that the world just may be doomed.

Date: 03/12/2016    Players: 5    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 0 0 0
3 Josh 0 0 0
4 Kevin 0 0 0
5 Wendy 0 0 0
August. So, August started out really dreadful, and only got worse. Sparkle Pox was spreading like wildfire throughout Asia, and we never really got it under control. There was little we could have done, and little is just about what we accomplished. The only good news is that Hawkeye braved the riotous streets of Kalkutta to find a missing Immunologist. He is a bit quirky. The Immunologist,I mean, not Hawkeye. Well, Hawkeye too, just not as much. After we found him, he was raving like some kind of lunatic, but it sounds as if he might be onto the right path to get this Coda Virus under some kind of control. One can only hope. Speaking of the Coda Virus, boy did it ever kick us around. It spread into Sydney, which puts the US at grave risk, St. Petersburg, Milan, and Ho Chi Minh City, which quickly fell. That place is just about gone from the map, it has gotten so bad. If they do not give us a way to deal with this soon, the world might be lost. Despite all of that, Sally, Harima, Maggie, and Hawkeye nearly pulled off a miracle, but one final disaster proved to be more than they could handle. Here is hoping that they can get their shit together moving forward.

Date: 02/21/2016    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
July. So, we got another crack at July, and boy, was it ever different. Hawkeye returned to us, and it was almost as if he was an entirely different man. Perhaps shamed by how he had failed to discover a single thing concerning the whereabouts of our missing virologist, this time around he located her immediately. We now know the gene sequence of this horrendous disease spreading filth across the world. Perhaps we are on our way to taking care of it? For the first time so far this year, Marty decided to stay behind, ushering in the return of Sally, doing her normal cooperation with Maggie to work on the more normal diseases. They worked hard, and they worked fast, but not fast enough for Moscow. Moscow has fallen. We have failed that city. In other news, despite many hurdles that needed to be overcome, we found a way to survive yet another month. August is just around the corner, and I really think we might be on to something as far as curing this mutated scourge. Oh yeah, and Harima was with us as well.

Date: 02/14/2016    Players: 5    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
2 Josh 0 0 0
2 Andrew 0 0 0
July. What a mess. Harima, still missing his brother Colonel Tigh, Marty, and Maggie were joined by newcomer Hawkeye, another soldier. Sally was too distraught after learning that her virologist friend had gone missing, so we asked Hawkeye to accompany us as we searched for her whereabouts. Or, at least, that was our intention. Instead, we ran into immediate issues, as the Faded were incredibly strong across all of Europe. Mumbai and Moscow are on the verge of collapse, and it was all we could do to keep them from taking over more of Asia. Sadly, we failed on the other side. Madrid has fallen victim to the Faded outbreak. This is terrible news, as Madrid is a central travel hub to both the US and to South America, both of which have yet to be touched by this virus at all. If we play our cards right, we should be able to contain it there, but that is what we said about Algiers. It is tantamount to our very survival that we keep this from marching across the globe. As ugly as things got, especially so quickly, we rebounded fairly well, and were on the verge of recovering when the last straw broke. July was terrible, but we still have a few days to turn it around. All is not lost, just bleak. Very, very, bleak.

Date: 02/14/2016    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
5 The Game 0 0 0
June. June was incredible. The old team got back together. Did I say the old team? It was more like the second oldest team, but it was definitely the first good team that we had. Harima returned, for the first time in months, joining Marty, Maggie, and Sally, also returning from an undisclosed medical emergency. Sparkle Pox was dealt with immediately and easily, and the Military presence in the world helped us rush out faster than the diseases could spread. It was fast. It was efficient. It was a glorious victory for mankind. Did I say that June was incredible? Well, Europe probably does not agree with me. Unchecked, the Faded rampaged through Europe. Karachi, once known as the last bastion of hope in the entire region, is now rioting. Moscow has felt a similar transition for the worse. I am beginning to fear that all of Europe is lost. If that was not bad enough, the Faded have not taken root in Bangkok. As defeating them has not yet been possible, we had hoped to merely contain them. This month was the first time that we have failed at that endeavor so miserably. I hope that this is not a harbinger of doom. Did I say that June was incredible? I could have been wrong in that assessment.

Date: 02/14/2016    Players: 5    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
2 Josh 0 0 0
2 Andrew 0 0 0
May. Wow, was May a tough month or what? Harima was still unable to lend us a hand, but the Military presence was strengthened as his brother, Colonel Tigh, joined the fray. He was pretty much useless, but we may have underestimated his expertise at, ahem, dispatching the Faded. Tyrone, Marty, and Maggie were our other members this month, as Sally was otherwise detained. We stumbled around the globe, never quite having our intel in the same place, and basically just spent too much time on our tasks. Efficiency was missing. If we really want to save the world, we might need to shake up the group dynamic.

Date: 01/25/2016    Players: 4    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Curtis 0 0 0
2 Amy 0 0 0
2 Jacob 0 0 0
Curtis Amy and Jacob early February. We were unable to complete the task ahead of us and were overcome by the unknown disease that's yellow.

Date: 01/13/2016    Players: 4    Winners: Curtis, Amy, Jacob    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 0 0 0
1 Amy 0 0 0
1 Jacob 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Late January came on quick, especially since the black death can no longer by cured. But, in a brilliant move, Jacob took on the role of medic and sent the dispatcher to the sidelines. It provided the spark we needed as we were able to quickly eradicate "Fast Freddie Syndrome" & "Autism". The team spread out and went to work on the disease that has no name, some call it yellow fever! There was extreme outbreak in the rar east that nearly cost us the victory but in the end the team completed all our objectives for the month. All is well, for now.

Date: 01/05/2016    Players: 4    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Curtis 0 0 0
2 Amy 0 0 0
2 Jacob 0 0 0
Our team started out with high hopes. Jacob was excited to play his first rated game. But immediately, North Africa and Eastern Europe were filled with disease cubes! We rushed to establish research stations to help stop the impending outbreaks. As we worked on this problem, yellow cubes erupted in South America and Red had an outbreak in Bangkok. The team was spread out all around the map to fend off the disease. Just then, we heard rumors than Jakarta was rioting and that a new strain of black cubes were flooding the Middle East that were incurable. We cured red and thought we had a chance but then Delhi started rioting and the final outbreak occurred before we could stop the bleeding. Maybe late January will go better.

Date: 01/03/2016    Players: 5    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
2 Josh 0 0 0
2 Andrew 0 0 0
May. So, May was tough. Tyrone continued wandering the globe, doing little else besides dropping Military bases all over. Little else was accomplished. I am sure we would have fared better if he had helped us out a little more, but the Faded strain continues to wreak havoc in Europe. We barely kept it contained, even resorting to putting up roadblocks to protect the rest of the world. Harima was absent again, testifying in Congress to try and get some of our funding reinstated. Marty? It turns out that he was some kind of secret Military medic, so he should fit right in with some of our newest staff members. That Colonel came by again. I have no idea what his overall agenda is, but I am no longer sure that we can turn away his help. I am no longer sure if we will be given a choice.

Date: 01/01/2016    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
April. Those damn bureaucrats in Washington! The unrest in the US was obvious, but they cut our funding! Again! When things went bad, we had no way of getting in touch with Harima, so when the Military shamelessly came knocking, we had no choice but to accept his help. Funny thing about that Military guy, he is actually brothers with Marty. Marty must have been in some other room last month when he showed up. Anyway, Channai, Sydney, and Santiago all broke out in riots. Tyrone was off making Military bases for most of the month, so it was tough, but manageable. Then, the shit really hit out of nowhere. That horrible Coda strain mutated again, turning people into these horrendous, translucent shamblers currently known as Faded. Baghdad had been identified as City Zero, but it quickly spread. Worse yet, Jakarta became the first new city for this disease to spread, endangering Asia to a brand new disease, in addition to the one we have been fighting successfully for months. Europe is swarming with these so-called Faded Ones, but if we can keep it contained there, we might just have a chance. Now if only those idiots in Washington would get a clue.

Date: 01/01/2016    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
March. Well, the Military showed up, and we sent them packing. We told them that we are here to save lives, not destroy them, and we had no need for their bloodthirst. We could not have made a better decision. We could have handled the situation in our sleep. I see no reason for us to ever regret showing that guy the door. We never even got his name. Yes, there is growing instability in the US, and Space Herpes was the only disease that we handled completely, but even this new Coda Virus was held relatively in check with some well placed quarantines. We have this under control.

Date: 12/19/2015    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
So February rolls around, and Tifa flakes on us. Disease is running rampant in the streets, and we are down one member of our elite squad. Luckily, Sally knew someone from work that was willing to put her life on the line, so Maggie joined our ranks. She immediately did something that none of us had thought to do. She started quarantining the cities that we were unable to help. It was a stroke of genius. Buoyed by this newfound help, we trounced disease wherever we found it. Space Herpes? Done. Sparkle Pox? No problem. The horrendous Butt Plague that was the scourge of the US and Eastern Europe? We wiped it off the map. We suffered only one outbreak during this month, and it had no far reaching consequences. What was that? You think these disease names are juvenile? I cannot help you there. Sometimes, no matter what our efforts, the ignorant masses come up with some nonsense that sticks. Nothing can be done. March is just around the corner. We should be able to return to our normal lives. We have done our part, right?

Date: 12/12/2015    Players: 5    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh, Andrew    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
1 Andrew 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
January. What can I say about January? There was rioting in the streets of London, Essen, and Sydney. Disease was spreading all around, yet again. However, in a brilliant stroke of genius, we had the foresight to build a research station in Delhi last December, so we were in a good position to help out in Europe, where everything began. South America and Africa were relatively stable, so after conducting very little research, Tifa took a helicopter down to Johannesburg to cure their ailment. Sally, the scientist, you ask? She spent years learning how to combat diseases… and she cured none. She also took the time to walk into London when it was at it’s most vulnerable state… and immediately walk back out. Marty, our Medic, did a nice job over in the US, curing their disease, before heading into Europe, hoping to wipe it completely out of existence. However, staring at four cities on the verge an outbreak, she got an urgent call from our feisty dispatcher, Harima. Amidst outcries of “dereliction of duty”, she abandoned Europe to go meet him in Shanghai. There, she shared the last bit of information needed to help cure Asia, and the world was saved. At least for now…

Date: 12/12/2015    Players: 5    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
2 Josh 0 0 0
2 Andrew 0 0 0
January. Sigh. What can I say about January? Wendy was called an Alpha Gamer. Josh was typical Josh, making sure that he got extra actions, but efficiency was lacking across the board. Kevin showed that his shuffling prowess was all for show, as Europe was immediately filled with outbreaks, and nobody had a chance of getting over there. And Andrew? He was foolish enough to choose the most hated of all characters, the Dispatcher. One disease very quickly morphed into some kind of incurable strain, and nothing worked from the very beginning. We floundered around from city to city like headless chickens, accomplishing nothing. Andrew came down with a terrible case of PTSD, and now must do his best to avoid the city of Essen, of all places. Everything is bleak, and all seems lost. Hopefully things will improve with a reset.