Puerto Rico
Average Rating: 

Individual Ratings:
Amy: 4.00
Andrew: 4.00
Josh: 4.00
Kevin: 4.00
Collin: 3.75
Curtis: 3.50
Game box
Players: 2 - 5
Play Time: 90 - 150min.
Rated Game
Year Published: 2002
Designer(s): Andreas Seyfarth
BGG Rank: 15
Average Weight: 3.29100
Best with 4 players
Player Rating Games Wins High Score Low Score
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Game History

Date: 05/12/2023    Players: 4    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 56      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 56 1310 1344
2 Curtis 43 1155 1182
3 Amy 41 1200 1184
4 Jacob 39 1200 1149

Date: 07/04/2019    Players: 3    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 54       *** Out of Box Game ***

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 54 0 0
2 Guest 1 43 0 0
3 Guest 2 31 0 0

Date: 03/23/2018    Players: 2    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 40       *** Out of Box Game ***

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 40 0 0
2 Wendy 32 0 0
Kevin forgot how the mayor works.

Date: 07/22/2017    Players: 4    Winner: Guest 1    Winning Score: 56       *** Out of Box Game ***

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Guest 1 56 0 0
2 Guest 2 43 0 0
3 Andrew 41 0 0
4 Guest 3 34 0 0
Paul wins, Meghan and Janine also played. Paul and Meghan had the buildings expansion, which was fun to mess around with. This was an incredibly fun game, as well.

Date: 11/26/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 51      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 51 1149 1169
2 Wendy 40 1219 1198

Date: 02/07/2016    Players: 4    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 52      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 52 1271 1310
2 Wendy 47 1200 1219
3 Josh 46 1181 1168
4 Kevin 31 1200 1149

Date: 10/23/2015    Players: 3    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 49      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 49 1243 1271
2 Josh 41 1179 1181
3 Curtis 36 1188 1155

Date: 09/27/2014    Players: 3    Winner: Curtis    Winning Score: 56      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 56 1146 1188
2 Andrew 53 1251 1243
3 Josh 48 1216 1179
There was a slight snafu on my part when this score was originally tallied. While it is now correct, it is unfortunate that Curtis missed his chance to revel in his victory while we were all still present.

Date: 01/17/2014    Players: 4    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 43      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 43 1200 1251
2 Josh 43 1200 1216
3 Collin 41 1200 1181
4 Curtis 34 1200 1146