Terraforming Mars: Solo
Average Rating: 

Individual Ratings:
Andrew: 5.00
Kevin: 4.50
Curtis: 3.50
Game box
Players: 1 - 5
Play Time: 120 - 120min.
Unrated Game
Year Published: 2016
Designer(s): Jacob Fryxelius
BGG Rank: 4
Average Weight: 3.24020
Best with 3 players
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Game History

Date: 08/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 96      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 96 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
EcoLine: Well, it was pretty sluggish going for most of the game. I had a really nice Microbe/Animal/Plant engine working, but not much else. That meant that I was struggling for cash most of the game, but I stayed patient, stuck to my course, and completed the project on Mars with a mad flurry of activity in the final Generation. I added 14 points in Microbes and Animals, so I feel pretty good about how I handled everything.

Date: 08/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 86      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 86 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: My first game after another long break was never much in doubt. I had two different Oxygen engines running, along with some really nice Plant production. Oceans were the biggest hurdle, but with so much cash to play around with, I was really just stalling until I found the most efficient way to take care of them.

Date: 07/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 81      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 81 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
PhoboLog: My options were not the best, so I intentionally chose a corporation that I do poorly with. I used up my starting Titanium for a Generation One Soletta, virtually guaranteeing a steady increase in Temperature. I struggled getting Titanium the rest of the game, but still managed to get some good events played. Two different Oxygen producers played well with my minimal Plant production, so it was really just the Oceans that held me back. That lack of efficiency, plus the lack of useful patents, kept me from grabbing too many extra points, and my work on the surface of Mars was less than stellar.

Date: 07/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 88      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 88 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: Well, this may have been a victory, but it was very inefficient. Despite getting an early Oxygen engine, everything else was slow going. It was not until late game that I was able to push my MegaCredit production into the positive. Were it not for a little bit of science points, and four points from the Pets card, this score would have been even worse. However, after such a long lull, I cannot be too discouraged with two consecutive wins.

Date: 06/30/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 107      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 107 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Mining Guild: So, after a two month hiatus, I return with an absurd victory. I showed incredible restraint early, building up a cache of cash. This allowed me to let my Steel stick around long enough to start making some projects for free, including a very early Ironworks and Space Elevator. Having Oxygen mostly taken care of without plants, I just let my cash build and build until it was overflowing my storage area. When terraforming was completed, using only about five standard projects on the way, I just started dumping my funds into planet scoring, ending up with 13 Greenery tiles, and 8 cities that scored an additional 26 points.

Date: 04/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 80 0 0
UNMI: Yep. UNMI, my old arch nemesis. I find myself utterly incapable of winning a solo game with them. The low starting capital was bad, but not as bad as the fact that I could not draw into Energy production. I kept a Steelworks at the very beginning, but was unable to utilize it until Generation 10. This meant that Oxygen was a problem,as it often is. I found enough things to keep hope alive, but the last two Generations were a mad dash of inefficient Standard Projects, and I finished 5 Terraforming steps shy of victory, reminding myself of my own mortality.

Date: 04/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 91      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 91 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Mining Guild: I continued my nice little run with some crazy mining production, finishing with 5 Steel and 9 Titanium, and using almost every bit of it. There was a typical slow start with such a small pool of MegaCredits with this corporation, but I used my Steel to pump up my Heat Production. Extreme-Cold Fungus, combined with Regolith eaters, took care of most of my Oxygen needs, but I had just enough Plant production to take care of the rest without a hitch. Oceans were the hard part, but a couple of good patents late, and my huge cache of stored MegaCredits, finished that off, allowing me to place things on the board to maximize scoring.

Date: 04/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 86      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 86 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: Yet another very good start. I got out Mohole Area in the first Generation, along with Industrial Center, allowing me to steadily increase my Steel production, replacing all of the Steel I used to get my engine started. Oxygen was my biggest challenge, as I was holding onto a Steelworks and an Ore Processor, but had no efficient ways to start making Energy, and not enough capital to do it the hard way. Then, I suddenly found two projects to make significant increases for my Energy, both able to be funded with Steel, and the race was on. Aquifer Pumping was cranking out Oceans, and my Heat ended up stockpiling at the end, but even with a late start on Oxygen, I was only forced to place two Greenery Tiles via Standard Projects, so everything worked out.

Date: 04/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 75      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 75 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0

Date: 04/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 87      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 87 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Phobolog: This was another surprising victory. I kept only three cards from my starting hand, but I used them to get my Titanium, Energy, and Heat production up early. Then, an Ironworks helped me with the Oxygen, while also giving me just enough Steel to get some other projects out on the cheap. I was scrounging for cash most of the game, and bought two or three cards during research on numerous occasions, so my Steel and Titanium really bailed me out. I got very little done on the actual surface of Mars, but Jovian tags raked in some extra points. It was very close, and very tight, but it worked out just fine.

Date: 04/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 109      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 109 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Credicor: I am usually so terrible with this corporation. Instead, fortune sided with me this time around. I used my ability with plenty of large projects, many of them paid for at least halfway with Titanium, so I had a steady stream of cash coming back in. My Steel was used to make Oceans, and I chased Jovian Tags like they were going out of style. In the end, Standard Projects for cities and Greenery tiles, effectively at a discount, allowed me to hammer out a lot of extra points, and I posted one of my best scores to date.

Date: 04/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 79      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 79 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: So, it turns out that my reign of terror with this corporation continues. This time, I used my starting Steel, keeping only three cards, to get out a couple of cards to boost income, and Underground Detonations, which allowed me to quickly start producing Heat at high levels. I later played a Steelworks, which took care of almost all of my Oxygen, while giving me a steady stream of Steel to help with other projects. I had to place most of the Oceans with Standard Projects, but my MegaCredits weren't being used for much else anyway. I could have had a better score, but I sacrificed points to go after an Energy Milestone, which forced me to spend precious MegaCredits on Energy Production late in the game.

Date: 03/31/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 63 0 0
Inventrix: This one seemed doomed pretty early. Despite a pretty useful ability, I was only rarely able to use it. I did manage to get a really high Energy production early on, but I never found projects that would utilize it. yes, it turned into Heat, which helped me with the Temperature, but Oxygen was a terrible issue for me, finishing at a lowly 4%, so that was one of the worst failures in all of my plays. This one was clearly a loss around Generation 10, but I did my duty, and played it out until the sad, cold, bitter end.

Date: 03/31/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 109      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 109 0 0
Saturn Systems: This one really surprised me. Chasing Jovian tags tends to be one of my biggest follies, and the 12 bonus points for it at the end usually just pumps up a losing score. Sure, I had a good opening hand for it, with a Generation 1 Asteroid Mining Consortium giving me 2 Titanium production. However, I think it was early, and steadily improving, Plant production that pushed me over the edge. My Ironworks really helped me get Oxygen on the right track, but all of my plants allowed me to save some extra Energy to push the Temperature, and gain bonuses from Mars itself. Placing 10 Greenery tiles on Mars with this corporation doesn't seem easy, but it was a nice bonus to have, allowing me to spend MegaCredits funding a supplementary microbe engine on the side.

Date: 03/31/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 95      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 95 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Ecoline: I showed so much self control in this one that I even surprised myself. I did almost nothing for the first three Generations, and that is when my plants started helping me out. I placed two Oceans with standard projects early, which was unfortunate, but they really helped kickstart a better plant engine. A few timely projects gave a boost to my fledgling Heat production, and as the thirteenth Generation approached, everything was looking really good. I had taken the time to get three different Animal projects started, granting me 11 additional points, and my 16 Greenery tiles definitely contributed to my score.

Date: 03/26/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 76 0 0
UNMI: This was one of my better efforts with this corporation, in that I almost achieved a victory. I had decent enough mini engines happening, but nothing too very substantial. I showed a lot of restraint early as cash flow was an issue, but managed to pay for my corporate ability in Generations 4-13. Temperature was lagging way behind until a late funding of Soletta skyrocketed my Heat production, but it still took a timely draw of an asteroid to help finish that off. I ended up one Ocean tile short, with an insane amount of leftover Steel. It was a good effort, but not quite good enough.

Date: 03/26/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 92 0 0
Saturn Systems: Yeah, so I felt pretty bad about this one most of the way through. I never got Heat production moving at all, and that was easily by biggest problem. My second biggest problem was a lack of suitable projects to fund during research. Perhaps with some better planning I could have pulled something out of this, but I was once again entranced by Jovian tags, which maight have been my third biggest problem. Seriously, though, 24 of my 92 points were scored simply because of their existence, so I just needed a little more help elsewhere to post a pretty good winning score. Instead, I finished 8 Temperature steps, 4 Oxygen steps, and one Ocean short of victory, which is pretty far to be short.

Date: 03/14/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 76 0 0
Saturn Systems: My opening hand practically begged me to chase Jovian tags, or at least to go heavy into Titanium. I very quickly got my Titanium production up to 4, while increasing my MegaCredit production to a decent +5. Unfortunately, I was unable to do much about Oxygen, and couldn't find efficient methods to increase my Energy production. A mad flurry of standard projects to place Greenery tiles ensued, and I just did not have the cash on hand to sustain it. I did complete two parameters, and managed to get the Oxygen up to 10%, but it just wasn't enough.

Date: 03/14/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 82 0 0
Credicor: You could make a solid case that I shifted gears too late, and probably should have let well enough alone. I was worried about Oxygen for most of the time, but a fairly late Steelworks allowed me to take care of Oxygen while also building up a supply of Steel. A supply of Steel that I never once used. My big shift was a little earlier, when I saw a chance to attack Jovian tags. My Titanium supply was really too low for this, and I only ended up with 4 of them anyway. The issue was that I spent too much chasing them, and that had a direct impact upon my failure to complete the terraforming project. It was a common mistake of mine, and one that I will most likely make time and time again.

Date: 03/12/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 76      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 76 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Thorgate: Well, this continues to be one of my better corporations in solo. Nothing really important seemed to happen all game. My MegaCredit production reached -5, and stayed there for a few Generations. None of my different resources was ever really producing all that much. I did, however, have a nice way to convert 7 Energy into 2 Oxygen for about four Generations, so that was huge. I really just did the best I could with what I had, and it ended up as a fairly low score for completion.

Date: 03/12/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 91      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 91 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Mining Guild: I was very unsure about this one when it started. However, I managed to do a great job with my miming placement bonuses, and very quickly had a Steel production of 5, and a MegaCredit production of +9. This allowed me to get Aquifer Pumping pumping Oceans onto the surface for a very cheap price, especially when it was comboed with Advanced Alloys. Oxygen was moving along pretty well, thanks to some unexpected early Plant production, and it was mainly Heat that was lagging behind. Despite never getting my Heat production above 4, I used a lot of my Steel to keep cranking out Energy production, which really gave a boost to the Temperature. In the last few Generations, I was using two different projects to turn some of this Energy into Oxygen, so I started looking for ways to maximize scoring, and ended with a decent, but not great, score. I do believe that it was one of my better Mining Guild efforts, though.

Date: 03/12/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 86      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 86 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
EcoLine: I will put at least part of this as a bonus for me feeling better, and being able to use my brain a bit better. I had a Generation One Mohole Area which helped me get out in front of the Temperature. However, I only funded 23 projects throughout, mostly due to my low income matching poorly with some of the projects being pitched to me. It was a mad dash of Standard Projects in the final Generation that finished off the planet, but I did manage to manually increase the Oxygen for most of the time. Only two cities founded on Mars, along with negligible points from my cards, kept my score lower, but I got my first win in my last few tries. Perhaps my luck will improve for a short while.

Date: 03/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 71 0 0
Helion: While this was still obviously a loss, it was a much better effort. I had crazy Steel production that helped me get some decent projects out, and a few boosts to my Heat increased my flexibility with my corporate ability. My biggest challenge was Oxygen, and it probably would have worked out if I had chosen to fund a microbe project earlier, rather than my actual reaction of laughing them out of my office. Still, four Oxygen steps and one Ocean away from posting a mediocre score is a nice change from my last few attempts.

Date: 03/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 69 0 0
Inventrix: Wow, what ever happened to that impressive winning streak of mine? I underestimated how difficult it would be to obtain Steel in this game. I had an opening hand that would work nicely for Inventrix, but it would require Steel, as the projects were kind of expensive. Instead, I never had any Steel, and my engine took way too long to get rolling. Oxygen was easy, which was nice, but I finished the game with three unplaced Oceans, and a Temperature at only -10 degrees. It was a disaster.

Date: 03/04/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 70 0 0
Teractor: Well, my bad streak continues. At least this time I found a small increase to my Heat production, but it wasn't nearly enough. Also, I found some cards for Oceans, but they all required Temperature higher than I ever achieved. The good news is that Oxygen was not only not an issue, but it was taken care of fairly early. I had a lot of starting capital again, but again had no good direction to drive towards, so I kind of stumbled around in the dark for about half of the game. Hopefully I can turn this around tomorrow.

Date: 03/04/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 60 0 0
Saturn Systems: My opening hand and two potential corporations had no synergy, so I chose one that I hadn't played with much lately and started in on my Steel engine, which worked out very nicely. The real problem was that not only did I discover only one way to increase Heat production all game, but I also found very few ways to get Oceans on the surface of Mars. This meant that I was wasting MegaCredits every time I finally broke down and spent them, only to discover that I didn't have better ways to spend them anyway. This is the second game in a row that I am not convinced was actually winnable.

Date: 03/04/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 61 0 0
Teractor: I will not accept too much blame for this one. I felt that I did a good job in not squandering my starting capital. I held onto as much of it as I could in an attempt to be able to fund better projects in the early Generations. sadly, they just didn't come. You want to know what else didn't come? I saw absolutely zero projects that would increase Heat production until Generation 13. That is just about impossible to deal with, I think. Oxygen was just fine, and I used some standard projects to drop Oceans late, but I still needed 9 Temperature steps. I am not even sure that success was possible with this setup.

Date: 03/03/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 100 0 0
Thorgate: I totally thought I had this one. So much was going well. I had a ridiculous microbe engine that was working the Oxygen, as well as generating points. Heat was an issue, but my Titanium production gave me some options with space events. What really gutted me was the Oceans. I just could not find ways to get them out cheaply, and I had to pay full price for almost all of them. After doing so, and maximizing my greenery tiles from my heft supply of plants left over after the Oxygen was maxed out, I ended up being two MegaCredits short of the last Temperature step. As I had two unplayed cards left in my hand, it was clear that the fault was mine own.

Date: 03/03/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 57 0 0
UNMI: Maybe I just got cocky from my recent run of success. My opinion is that I have no clue how to play UNMI in solo, but I am convinced it can be done. My problem the entire game was MegaCredits. Not only was I struggling to do anything that would raise my Terraform Rating, but my MegaCredit production was negative almost the entire game, finishing at negative five. All in all, that just makes everything harder. I am sure that I should have bought less cards during research to help balance that, but I did not play particularly well.

Date: 03/03/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 89      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 89 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Helion: Well, when you are playing as Helion, and you get your Heat production up to 25, you are probably in good shape. I no longer needed to use Heat for the Temperature for the last two Generations, so that was all just straight cash, baby. I used said currency to place a couple of extra cities as well as I could to maximize points, and also for four Greeneries via Standard Projects. I had no point engine from any of my cards, so I was unable to post a new high score on BGG, but I was only five points short.

Date: 03/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 88      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 88 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Thorgate: I felt good about this one right away. I was hemorrhaging MegaCredits in the early Generations, but I saw a chance to break out of it with good Heat production, and an Oxygen engine. All of that worked out. The biggest problem was probably the opening neutral cities, which blocked me from efficiently placing cities and greenery tiles for maximum scoring. Arctic Algae, though, really helped me just to get more tiles on the board, and I managed to collect 20 microbes on Tardigrades, which scored an additional 5 points. I would say that winning 7 out of 9 across consecutive days is worthy of celebration.

Date: 03/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 81      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 81 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
PhoboLog: So, I accidentally took this corporation in a direction that did not suit them. I did use my starting Titanium very well, playing a few space events. However, I never found a way to get any more, so I was left with the remnants of my already low starting capital, and then I went to work. early Plant production helped me a lot with Oxygen, as well as placement bonuses on the planet of Mars. I ended up dropping 4 cities that got me 17 points, and surprisingly wasted little on Standard Projects. It was efficient and uneventful, if you discount all of the events, so I guess not...

Date: 03/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 77 0 0
Tharsis Republic: Well, my five game winning streak has finally ended. I got out to a good start. My Titanium and Steel production both eclipsed 5, and my Oxygen was nowhere near an issue. Sadly, I found no way to help make Heat, so that never got above 6, and it only got that high very late. Spending precious MegaCredits there meant that I had little left to help me play Oceans. The unfortunate thing was that I didn't really overspend making my mining engine. I just stopped getting cards that would benefit. Oh well, off to try again.

Date: 03/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 78      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 78 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Mining Guild: Well, I am just glad to get a win with this corporation, one of my worst for solo. I did what I could to grab Steel production early, and used said steel to pump out Oceans. I had a project to help with the Oxygen, but was unable to get my Energy high enough until around Generation 10. However, once I got that rolling, good things started happening. Yes, I needed to pay for four Greenery tiles in the final Generation, as well as a couple Temperature bumps along the way, and the cities were standard projects, but I managed to eke out a victory.

Date: 02/28/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 74      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 74 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Thorgate: So, I'm not really sure why this even worked at all. I didn't feel like I had any engine going, outside of my Ore Processor. I guess that my Adaptation technology helped me get some plant production a little early, but my cash flow was low all game. Were it not for a Giant Asteroid that I almost didn't play in Generation 13, I don't think I would have pulled off the win.

Date: 02/28/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 96      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 96 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Teractor: I used my large amount of early cash to get a crazy Microbe engine started, helped by a Steelworks that increased the Oxygen kind of early. I was taking about 6 Microbe actions to start out most Generations, including two that simply added Microbes to cards with Microbes. Sure, I also used my Regolith Eaters to pump the oxygen into the atmosphere, but I had plenty to spare, as 42 Microbes at the end netted me 16 points. I also added six points from science resources, so that easily offset the MegaCredits I spent over the last three Generation to place five ocean tiles via Standard Projects.

Date: 02/28/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 94      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 94 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Helion: This one went very well, much better than it usually does when I play as Helion. I showed a lot of restraint early, slowly building up Energy and Titanium production without overextending myself. The result was that I had an Ore Processor around Generation 6 to handle most of my Oxygen, but still had plenty of extra funding to get other parts of my engine greased up. The Titanium was especially nice, even at only 3, as I was often dropping down space events that would trigger my Optimal Aerobraking, which in this scenario effectively added 6 MegaCredits to me arsenal. Around Generation 9 it became obvious thyat I would win as long as I didn't blow it, so I started looking for good ways to spend my funds, dropping a total of four cities down which scores an additional 18 points. I was lacking in points form cards, but did get a rare science resource out of a Physics Complex.

Date: 02/28/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 69      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 69 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Tharsis Republic: I used a microbe and energy engine to take care of the Oxygen, and I hoarded funds all game, which came in handy for my emergency push to take care of the temperature. I was going for a 25 Microbe Milestone, and finished with 21, so it was close. The sad thing is that I thought I only needed 20, and was uber excited at my success.

Date: 02/28/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 64 0 0
Teractor: This remains one of my worst solo corporations. I could not find good ways to use my starting capital, so instead left it in the bank for the first few generations. The result was that halfway through, I still had no direction. It led inevitably to a loss, full of blandness. So sad.

Date: 02/24/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 80 0 0
Mining Guild: I really thought this one was going well. I hadn't had a chance to play as Mining Guild in a long time, and it was a rocky start. However, Energy was very quickly raising Oxygen levels, and I was using Steel to place Oceans on Mars. With a healthy production of both Steel and Titanium, I thought that I just needed to find some ways to get my Heat moving. Sadly, that just did not happen. Over the last couple of Generations, I squandered funds on asteroids to raise the Temperature, and ended up three steps short. three steps short is also known as failure.

Date: 02/24/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 72 0 0
Saturn Systems: You want an early Oxygen engine? Check. You want Plant production in double digits? Check. You want Microbe points to play with? Check. You want the Jovian tags and Titanium production that really make Saturn Systems pump out the points? You are wasting your time here. please move along. Oh yeah, and I also managed not to get Heat production of any consequence until the very late stages. It is rare for Temperature to be the issue, but this was one of those times. Were it not for almost 10 Microbe and Animal points, plus a ridiculous amount of late Greeneries thrown down, this score would have been even more pathetic. So much for my opinion that I had been improving...

Date: 02/24/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 72 0 0
PhoboLog: It did not help that I lost track of the Generation count. It seriously didn't. Things were not clicking along very nicely, but I thought I had more time than I did. Alas, failure was closer than I had anticipated. Anyhoo, I got an Industrial Center out immeidiately, which allowed me an easy way to get explosive Steel production, which I certainly used to my advantage. However, that advantage came too late. My steel was simply piling up early, and I struggled with all three parameters. My losing score was pumped up with a successful Search For Life, and five points from a Security Fleet. Outside of that, I really did not do much of note.

Date: 02/19/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 76      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 76 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: Well, I used my most friendly of all of the corporations to make up for last time. It didn't start out so well, but by Generation 6, things were clicking on most cylinders. early on, I was sacrificing MegaCredit production for Heat, and I probably went a bit overboard, as I finished with 47 unused Heat. I took a lot of early opportunities to boost my Energy with Space Mirrors, and it paid off late. I was struggling all game with Oxygen, but I ended up grabbing two plants that used Energy for Oxygen, and one method that converted Microbes into Oxygen, helped by my already existing Extreme-Cold Fungus. With everything aligning fairly well, it seems curious that my score was so low. The thing is, when you flood some area, bribe a committee, and create a corporate stronghold just to get a city on the map, it turns out that people just don't like you.

Date: 02/19/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 63 0 0
Thorgate: Well, I was motivated to make Game No. 100 meaningful. It was an utter failure. Oxygen was a mess, and Temperature wasn't doing very well either. The only reason that I finished the Oceans was because I was squandering funds on standard projects, simply hoping to come across things that would help me. As far as what was working, I had a really nice Steel production going early, and it was helping me get some things out. Sadly, about halfway through my adventuring, Steel started becoming useless, and it just sat in my storage bins. It was a largely uneventful expedition, and seeing as how Attempt No. 100 was ruined, I am somewhat distraught.

Date: 02/18/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 82 0 0
Inventrix: So, my new approach of hoarding MegaCredits early has led to some very different results. At first, I was losing pretty badly, but I seem to have turned the corner a bit. This time, it really came down to not getting cards to help with Temperature, and possibly spending some cash on unnecessary point hopes. If I had had three more MegaCredits at the end, I would have won, but with a fairly low score. Still, as my corporate ability never once came in handy, this would have been a bit of an achievement. As for how I did what I did, an early discovery of Arctic Algae, along with an Ironworks, really drove my Oxygen engine. I had small production everywhere, which made me a little too well rounded, but my good use of MegaCredits throughout allowed me to have the necessary cash for most of what I needed. I just came up a tiny bit short in the end.

Date: 02/18/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 83      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 83 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: Once again, I feel as if I played pretty well with what seems to be my best solo corporation. I used up most of my starting steel setting up a nice oxygen engine that also spat out Titanium, which I used to play some space events, which kicked back a small amount of MegaCredits my way. I managed to generate enough Heat that I never needed to raise the Temperature any other way, and was frugal with my funds early, allowing me plenty of excess cash to place oceans near the end, as I just never found an efficient way to do so. The caveat was that I also had very little happening that was not direct production, so I only collected one single point from microbes, and never saw a way to obtain animals, hence the low score. Still, after so many losses in a row, I was happy with this.

Date: 02/12/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 85 0 0
Thorgate: I thought this was definitely happening. I mean, I got an early Oxygen engine, so I knew halfway through the game that I didn't need to worry about that. I mean, I got an early Ocean engine, so I knew halfway through the game that I didn't need to worry about that. Sadly, I just did not generate Heat, and I could not find enough events to offset that inadequacy. I spent time, and resources, trying to maximize my score, and I thought that I played pretty well, but I finished three Temperature steps short of a victory, extending my losing streak farther than I thought I was still capable, or incapable, of.

Date: 02/12/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 83 0 0
UNMI: So I thought things were going mostly fine. I had really good Heat production, but apparently it was a little too good, as I had 16 leftover Heat. The resources I spent to make that happen could have been put to better use. however, based upon the small amount of patents I played, and the high volume of standard projects I was forced to fund, I think I was stuck with very limited options. Still, I did get the terraform rating bump from my corporation almost every Generation, allowing me to pump my score a bit in an otherwise inefficient exercise.

Date: 02/12/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 67 0 0
Tharsis Republic: So, I take full blame for this loss. My early options were middling, so I went with the fun idea of placing cities. A couple of Generations later, I saw potential for a nice Animal engine, so I switched tactics. That was probably a terrible idea, as I then was scrambling to perform any terraforming at all. All three parameters ended about one-third short of the specified goals, but the good news is that I grabbed 10 extra points from collecting animals. right?

Date: 02/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 87 0 0
Tharsis Republic: I thought that this was a loss waiting to happen when I saw my opening hand. I had six cards pushing for a Jovian strategy, and four cards that were not playable until near the end of the game. Oh, and neither of my corporate options were good for Jovian. So, it was either discard all ten, which I maybe should have done, or give it a go. It did not go well. I mean, I pushed my Titanium production up, although not fast enough for all of the cards that I had, and I grabbed 12 bonus Jovian points. Honestly, missing seven terraform steps is pretty common for a loss, so I guess it wasn't truly terrible. It was just pretty clear for the entirety of the game that it would not end well. However, as always, chasing a Jovian strategy was fun.

Date: 02/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 66 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: Okay, so a lot of this was my fault. I did not see much of a strategy in my opening hand, except for a city-placing engine, so that is what I went for. It took a few Generations to finish setting up that engine, and as soon as I did, I stopped seeing city projects. Even worse, I had used up so much of my resources that shifting gears proved extremely problematic. I did find a way to efficiently get all of the oceans on Mars, and after stumbling through with low Heat production, I made the Temperature skyrockets in the last three Generations. sadly, Oxygen failed to reach even the halfway point, so that was a total failure on my part. This was a pretty bad effort.

Date: 02/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 84 0 0
Saturn Systems: Well, I went all out in the first Generation to get decent production on a couple different fronts. Sadly, I never saw any Jovian tags all game, and my corporation revolves around them. Also, going all out to set myself up with both Steel and Titanium production early is less helpful when nobody pitched any ideas that would utilize Steel. I did my best to remain efficient, though, and accomplished everything except the last two Temperature bumps. This could most likely have been achieved had I not used funds to place a city on the planet in an attempt to score extra points, but sometimes you just don't have the extra funds to spend on luxuries like cities for the populace to, well, you know, populate.

Date: 02/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 78 0 0
Helion: So, I managed to get Generation 1 Plant production, but to do so I had to sacrifice the ability to ever get an alternative Oxygen engine in place. This may have been a mistake, as even though I threw down a lot of greenery tiles, Oxygen was my biggest problem. Heat, even using Helion, wasn't easy for me, as I never found another project to increase my Heat production, so that ended up being one step short. However, this could have been easily accomplished had I not been spending precious MegaCredits on Oxygen. Still, it was a close one, with one my worse corporations, so I do not feel too very bad about it.

Date: 02/05/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 81 0 0
UNMI: This is a tough corporation for me in solo. It probably didn't help that my MegaCredit production was in the negative all game, as I never found good ways to bolster it. I didn't play them particularly well, but I did math it out really well to actually finish terraforming. As I was forced to use three different cards that consumed energy to raise the oxygen levels, the planet is still pretty barren, which contributed to a low score. Still, I will take my win with no complaints. I will now leave the previous comment for laughs, as I just noticed two oceans that I didn't get out. Oops. So much for successfully mathing it out.

Date: 02/04/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 101      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 101 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: This is strangely becoming one of my better corporations, although I am not sure why. I felt like I got off to a slower start this time, even though I had a Generation 1 Mohole. It was around Generation 5 when things started to pay off, as my Plant production reached +5. With my Heat already producing some, I wasn't too worried about that, and I had already bribed the committee to bump my rating by 2, so MegaCredits were not much of an issue. Oceans turned out to be the most difficult, but as a master of Standard Technology, I was able to get a small refund every time I paid for those the hard way. That was also the case with cities, as I did not run across very many ways to get those onto the planet. Still, I managed to get 5 cities for 17 points, including anotehr 2 from Pets. It was around Generation 11 that I couldn't believe how much extra time I would have, so I started spending funds willy nilly in an attempt to bolster my score. It was a good one, but three short of the current high for this Generation, which I both set and tied already.

Date: 02/04/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 88      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 88 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Tharsis Republic: This continues to be one of my favorite corporations to play. I had an opening hand that I didn't love for either of my choices, so I chose the one that I liked more. I slowly built up a fair production of Steel, Energy, and Heat, but things were not really clicking. However, when things turned for the better, they REALLY turned for the better. I was soon making a ton of MegaCredits, had an awesome microbe engine to raise the Oxygen, and was even making 5 plants per Generation. So, knowing my score would not compete for a high score, I started in on trying to get ten cities on the map. I finished with 8, and wasn't able to maximize their points, but it was still very fun to see how close I could get.

Date: 02/04/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 79 0 0
PhoboLog: Well, I used all of my starting Titanium pretty well, and had a decent Oxygen engine happening by the seventh Generation. sadly, my plant production never got above 1, my oceans were too pricey, and I was not generating enough Heat. Still, I was making enough money to grind through, as evidenced by the fact that I was just two Temperature steps away from victory. It was close, so I do not feel despair. Not yet...

Date: 02/03/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 104      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 104 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: this one was not quite so dramatic as my last success with them, but I did get off to a nice start once again. This time I came out of Generation 2 with +7 MegaCredit, and +2 Energy, which I immediately turned into the start of Steel and Titanium. Those two gave me flexibility, and once Aquifer Pumping was happening, my steel was churning out oceans. I also managed to combo Extreme-Cold Fungus with Nitrate Reducing Bacteria for almost the entire game, probably getting about ten points that way. My 12 Greenery tiles and 8 Cities also scored huge, so my core was pretty high despite collecting no animal or microbe points. It was also a nice change of pace to not need to use standard projects down the stretch for Oxygen.

Date: 02/03/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 61 0 0
Teractor: Well, I had hoped that these kind of abysmal failures were behind me, but I was wrong. I take a small amount of solace in the fact that only one Earth Tag was found by me all game, making my ability somewhat useless. Furthermore, my other starting option of Mining Guild would likely not have fared much better. I managed to get Steel production other ways, but had nothing to spend it on, so I think I was just in a bad place this time.

Date: 02/03/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 79 0 0
EcoLine: this one was largely uneventful, save the startup sequence. Three of the four cards determining neutral placement were nightmares to see disappear. I did not actually accomplish much on the way to finishing a mere two oxygen steps shy of victory. My ability helped me get Greenery tiles out, for sure, but I was stuck paying heavily for those oceans. Even the projects that helped me place them were very pricey, so I was left with very little leftover funds to try and chase a score, so I didn't. Instead I concentrated on finishing the planet, and I even failed at that. So much for what looked like an increasing win percentage for me.

Date: 02/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 81 0 0
Saturn Systems: Another Jovian Tag fail. Well, that is not entirely fair. My Titanium production was high, so I was not wasting my efforts in that respect. I played plenty of space events almost for free. The problem was how rarely I ran across anything to help supplement my efforts with Titanium. I placed no cities. None of the parameters were completed. Outside of 7 extra Microbe points that started accumulating in the second Generation, there was not much of a secondary engine running. It was almost assuredly a defeat at Generation 10, but I played it out nonetheless.

Date: 02/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 104      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 104 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: This one was downright ridiculous. After pondering my opening hand for what seemed like eternity, I puzzled out how I could spend all of my starting steel and capital to immediately move to +7 on MegaCredit production. By the start of the fourth Generation, this was already starting to pay dividends. I was able to purchase more cards in research than normal, and still be able to play them. I later played Medical Lab to go another +7, and delayed as long as I could to use Robotic Workforce to grab another +9. It was not lost on me that no terraforming had taken place in the first six Generations, but then Arctic Algae came out, along with a ton of other stuff. It came down to the very last move, but it was completed, and I still managed to place six cities, scoring a total of 20 additional points.

Date: 02/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 85 0 0
Thorgate: So, I have previously found Thorgate to be one of my better solo corporations, and they didn't disappoint. I used an early +4 Energy production to help power a Strip Mine, which gave me a decent amount of both Steel and Titanium for the rest of the game. I used it wisely, pumping up production in plants and Heat, making Oceans the only thing that was incredibly inefficient. Down the stretch I had to pay the full price for both those and Greenery tiles, which is why I ended up 2 percent short, but this was a decent effort, although my losing score dropped back down some.

Date: 02/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 105 0 0
Saturn Systems: Well, this was an extremely high score for one of my losses. I nabbed 14 points just from Jovian Tags, and another 9 from various Animal projects, so I had a lot of other things happening. However, the Temperature only got about halfway, and even with my focused push on Oxygen to help with my Animal projects, I ended up 2 percent short. this was a fairly common problem for me, as I was forced too often to directly pay for improvements to Mars, and that was a serious drain on my funds.

Date: 02/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 104 0 0
PhoboLog: So, my opening hand strongly told me to use Titanium, and my first few research phases strongly told me to heavily pursue Jovian Tags. That went well, as I dropped them all over the place, and ended up with 16 bonus points at the end. However, I didn't really have an engine for Oxygen, despite getting my plant production up to 10 by the end. I once again spent too much on standard projects, and the Oxygen was four steps short of completion. However, as always when Jovian tags are involved, I had fun trying to figure out how to get them working for me.

Date: 02/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 87      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 87 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Tharsis Republic: Okay, so I had to math out a lot of things, and that is because I was legitimately attempting to place ten cities and still win. Astonishingly, with just a little bit of Heat production, I probably could have done so. I put nine cities out on Mars, and used projects for the Oxygen levels. Temperature was almost completely standard projects, and too many oceans for efficiency, so I had a lot of cash wasted. Still, at the end of the project, my MegaCredit production was +36, so I had extra to burn, just not enough for that last city. Mars does look pretty desolate, though.

Date: 02/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 77 0 0
UNMI: Perhaps I was a bit too much in love with my ability. I tried to trigger it every Generation, not only to pump my score, but also to pump my income. The bad news was that I never really had success with anything that did not include Arctic Algae, which I abused to help me with the Oxygen levels. I just did not get out quickly enough, and everything suffered as a result, with my pathetic attempts at Temperature somewhere around my all time worst. none of the parameters were finished, despite the fair losing score, so this one is best left unspoken of.

Date: 02/01/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 94      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 94 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Teractor: Very rarely have Earth tags come in so handy, especially when included with Standard Technology, Media Group, and Earth Catapult. I used all of my discounts and cash back to get some good events out early, some of which helped me get an early oxygen engine, which is rare for me. As the game went on, it was clear that I was doing well, so I took the time to get out three different animal projects, squeezing out an additional 9 points. Search For Life was nearly futile, only once coming back with anything, but that was three unexpected points there. It was one of my better efforts to date.

Date: 01/31/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 70 0 0
Mining Guild: I took some time choosing my corporation with this opening hand, and I don't think that I chose poorly. I even managed to get an accidental system of stockpiling resources for a couple generations before spending them all at once, but it was the oceans this time, those damn oceans. Sure, you could argue that having a Heat production of 5 at the end of the game, and failing on the Temperature was my ultimate failure, but the biggest problem was how often that I had to pay full price to get oceans on the planet of Mars. Even as it triggered Arctic Algae to help me with the Oxygen, it was just too pricey. When all was said and done, I was one MegaCredit, or two Heat, short of winning this one.

Date: 01/31/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 69 0 0
Inventrix: Okay, well I never really knew what to do during this game. Their ability gave me some leeway with global parameters, but my projects did not really require them. Instead I had multiple projects running to directly attack the parameters, but I did not have ANY Heat production until about Generation 11. The amazing things was that I managed to get the Temperature up to zero degrees, so a little Heat earlier might have made the difference. Still, with my low funding, I never got much happening, and so would have scored fairly low anyway.

Date: 01/31/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 91      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 91 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Saturn Systems: I got really good production going early with both mines, comboing with Optimal Aerobraking to benefit greatly from space events. Also fairly early, Archaebacteria helped me get plants going, and then I threw down some worms for an additional +3. To top all of that off, I had a nice engine of projects to directly pump my Terraform Rating, including one to help raise the Oxygen and one to make use of excess Heat. Finally, I managed to get Livestock in play, and hit them with a Large Convoy, finishing with six points from them.

Date: 01/31/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 83      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 83 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
PhoboLog: This one was rather, ahem, eventful. LEML. Taking full advantage of my a Generation 1 Optimal Aerobraking, I played 11 events as compared to just 12 other cards. One of those ended up netting 4 points from an early play of Tardigrades. Still, having funded so few projects, everything was very inefficient, and I spent a LOT of MegaCredits dropping greeneries all over the planet. Still, when you spend your very last MegaCredit redirecting an asteroid to Mars to complete the Terraforming Project started by your ancestors, well, you have done a wondrous thing.

Date: 01/27/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 83 0 0
Helion: A few weeks ago, I went on a bit of a run, and I thought I was getting better. Perhaps I was overconfident, and steering my aim a little too much towards improving my scores again, but things have not gone well since then. On the bright side, I had a nice little microbe engine going, helping me both terraform, and pick up a little points on the side. The biggest spike came from Pets, where I managed ten extra points.However, as I failed to find projects to get oceans on the planet, that became a real struggle, and I missed that parameter by three. I was also two steps short on oxygen, but I feel confident that some ocean projects might have saved me enough funding to help with the oxygen. No matter; a loss is a loss.

Date: 01/27/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 88 0 0
EcoLine: I had it going pretty well. I had some good projects funded, and I was using my plants very wisely. I was disappointed at my inability to place cities on the planet, yet I still scored ten points off of the two that I managed to build. However, when the end came, I was three MegaCredits shy of raising the temperature that final degree. It was heartbreaking, but it was still an adventure on Mars.

Date: 01/26/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 80 0 0
Saturn Systems: Well, I saw a chance to go crazy with Jovian points, and I took it. Yes, I got 12 extra points just for Jovian tags, and another 10 building a Security Fleet, but do you know how much terraforming I actually accomplished? I managed to get the temperature up to 6 Degrees, but only three oceans made it to the planet, and the oxygen stagnated at a pathetic 6 percent. Nope, I did not finish the planet, and everybody died.

Date: 01/26/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 68 0 0
Mining Guild: This is not one of my better corporations, yet I was agonizingly close. One oxygen bump, and one hit on the temperature would have done it, and I could have gotten that temperature at the end if I hadn't have had a way to get one more point in a losing cause. I never really had much of an engine going, but I did find uses for all of my excess steel. sadly, even had I won, my score would have been woeful. Perhaps I shall fare better in my next endeavor.

Date: 01/22/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 100 0 0
Credicor: Well, a 100 point total in a loss is still a loss. However, I feel good about how I used my large cache of funds early. I ended up with a Titanium production of 7, which I turned into 10 bonus points from Jovian tags, when I wasn't turning them directly into oceans, that is. My steel production was also a bit high, so I was able to use steel to fund a few pricey projects, triggering my ability to get 4 MC back right away. However, my engine got going a little too late. I had to spend way too much money on Standard Projects, and ended up two short on temperature and four short on oxygen. Still, it was a pretty high failing grade.

Date: 01/22/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 90      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 90 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetray Cinematics: Well, I took my time on this one, and it paid off. I had the planet almost completely terraformed at the end of Generation 12, needing only a couple of oxygen bumps the rest of the way, which would prove easy with my massive MegaCredit production. I used that straight cash to try and eke out as many points as I could, which proved to be not all that many. I had a Generation 1 Mohole Area, which I doubled with some robots in Generation 4, which really drove the temperature at insane levels. That was finished so early that I had 66 Heat left over with no way to use it. I also managed to throw down 6 cities, although I wasn't able to maximize their scoring potential. All in all, it was a very good effort.

Date: 01/16/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 81 0 0
PhoboLog: It was a valiant effort. I worked really hard to get my Titanium production up to complement my corporate ability, and I managed to score ten extra points from Jovian tags alone. Sadly, the game ended when I was three temperature bumps and four oxygen steps away from completion, leaving with one of my higher losing scores, which still goes down as a loss.

Date: 01/16/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 68 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: Well, I certainly did not waste my starting steel. In fact, I pushed that to the point where I had 27 steel at the end of the game, but nothing to do with it. That, I would assume, was my demise. I got, and played, a few projects that helped me produce steel, but quickly ran out of uses for it. Then, I was left with a fairly small cash income, which kept me from doing much else. this was one of my worst outings lately, and it makes sense, as it is one of my worst corporations.

Date: 01/11/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 110      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 110 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
ThorGate: Well, I am starting to think that this is one of the best solo corporations. My easy energy production allowed to to play and start using Ore Processor in the second Generation. Then, Extreme Cold Fungus and Nitrate Reducing Bacteria were comboing very early, and I had cities dropping left and right. Around Generation 9 it was obvious that I had it in the bag, so I was trying to squeeze out points where I could. To start the final Generation, I produced a ridiculous 84 MegaCredits, so that should help show how things were going.

Date: 01/11/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 96 0 0
EcoLine: Well, this is easily my highest losing score. It is one of my higher scores overall. My two starting options were not good with any of my cards, but I did my best with what I had. I took some more risks with the cards, as evidenced both by my higher score and my five steps short of completion. Still, though, it was a good effort, and a fun engine to get rolling.

Date: 01/06/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
Thorgate: Generations of terraforming were all for nothing as I fell just short. Missed by two oceans and an oxygen. Turns out I had way to much steel and nothing to use it on in the late game.

Date: 01/05/2017    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 75 0 0
Helion: I imagine that I was starting to get cocky. That, and well, I am no expert at this game. There really wasn't much of a narrative to this one. I never really ended up with that big turning point where things just started happening. Even so, I was two steps short of finishing the planet, but there was not a whole lot that I actually accomplished. It was a struggle.

Date: 01/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 90      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 90 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Credicor: This one started out so well. I would imagine that this is due to my beginning capital of 57. As usual, though, oxygen was becoming an issue until I managed to get out a Steelworks. My low MegaCredit production was somewhat offset with Nitrate Inducing Bacteria, but that really took off once I have a couple of fungus producers helping out. I was generating 5 titanium every Generation, which allowed me to play a total of 8 Jovian tags, many of which sent my Heat production up to 20. Sadly, I was unable to grab extra points for those Jovian tags, as I was forced into standard projects down the stretch to finish the planet. All in all, it was a satisfying game, and a ridiculous streak of five wins in a row for me.

Date: 01/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 98      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 98 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
EcoLine: I used my early plants to get me going a lot faster on oxygen than normal, and grabbed 7 microbe points from a Generation 1 play of Tardigrades. My Megacredit situation was pretty bad for a bit, but I turned it around just in time to get three cities scoring me eleven points.

Date: 01/02/2017    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 80      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 80 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
PhoboLog: It seemed like I wasted all of my starting Titanium, but about halfway through the game, I discovered that I was producing a lot of everything. Then, when I suddenly started producing six titanium every generation, and had both my heat and energy up to 15, it was really just about making sure I didn't blow it. I didn't. However, I didn't really complement it with very much external scoring, but it was a successful campaign.

Date: 12/30/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 87      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 87 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
PhoboLog: Once again, I thought it was going pretty poorly. I managed to get a pretty good mining operation in play, but very little was going right outside of that. Then, once I started using Titanium to import water from Europa, things started to turn.A steelworks was just around the corner, giving me an easier way to work on the oxygen, and suddenly all of my mining was helping out with my heat production. It was down to the wire, but I managed to pull it off with three greenery tiles via standard projects over the last Generation. It was a very rare back-to-back victory for me.

Date: 12/30/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 107      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 107 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Interplanetary Cinematics: It felt like I squandered my initial cache of steel, but a very early duo of Arctic Algae and Nitrate Reducing Bacteria helped me get going, and with Aquifer Pumping, well, pumping out the oceans, it made it fairly simple to throw out fifteen greenery tiles, and then six cities that combined for another 25 points. The only thing keeping this from my high score was my inability to get too many cards from my project cards. However, I was very satisfied with this outcome.

Date: 12/24/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 69      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 69 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Played as Interplanetary Cinematics. Used an early Steelworks to consistently raise the oxygen level through the game. Decent energy and heat production in the mid game were allowing me to raise the temperature some, but I realized around generation 12 that I was probably not going to make it. However, I drew some useful asteroids at the right time and put the rest of my efforts over the last couple generations into asteroid and aquifer standard projects to just barely pull off the win.

Date: 12/24/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 70 0 0
UNMI: Talk about a disaster. None of my opening cards were useful with either corporation, and my floundering research team failed to help me out for a few generations. By that time, it was a bit late to get much of an engine going at all, and it was thought to be hopeless. that was pretty much the truth, but even so I managed to get somewhat close. Overall, kit was a pretty poor effort.

Date: 12/18/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 84      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 84 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Thorgate: It was a fairly basic engine. Down the stretch, my research turned up very few helpful opportunities, so there were a lot of standard projects happening. A midgame Strip Mine did wonders for my feeble efforts at increasing the oxygen, but not long after that I managed to get some plants growing. Even so, I placed four greenery tiles from standard projects, and only founded one city, which is why the score was so low. However, I will gladly take my victory.

Date: 12/18/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 68 0 0
Credicor: My two options for a corporation did not mesh well at all with my opening draw, but I forged ahead anyway. By Generation 9, I had accomplished vry little, and felt like I had no engine set up. I was incorrect about that, though. Through a frenzy of chaos, I started terraforming the planet all over the place, and ended up needing three more steps in the temperature to finish. A loss is still a loss, but it was a pretty good run to get as close as I did.

Date: 12/12/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 87 0 0
Thorgate: I made very good use of my corporate ability to get a substantial early production in energy. I used this to help me get other things up and running, including an early boost to heat, and a surprising early boost to plants. Later, I created a Power Infrastructure to sell off excess heat for tasty MegaCredits. Unfortunately, I ended up needing to find a way to get six more MegaCredits to finish off the project, and was just abrely unable to do so. It was a fairly unique engine for me, though, and one that I enjoyed.

Date: 11/25/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 81 0 0
Tharsis Republic: I had a lot that was working. Unfortunately, I never got much of an engine going for the heat, which seems rather odd. Four temperature bumbs, and one ocean tile more, and the planet was mine. I ended up wasting too much currency raising the temperature with standard projects, and the same with oceans, so it was a struggle. A struggle, however, that I was fairly close to pulling off, if only I had drawn a few more useful cards.

Date: 11/25/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 90      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 90 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Teractor: I made good use of my early cash to slowly get a decent engine across all of my production. Even so, it was a late acquisition of Steelworks that helped push me over the edge as far as oxygen was concerned. Arctic Algae in the second generation was also pivotal, as plant production was the most difficult of all of them. It was my final move that fully terraformed the planet, but I will take a rare victory however I manage to achieve it.

Date: 11/23/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 77 0 0
Mining Guild: Initial setup was painful, as the neutral player snagged two of the spots that would help my corporation, and I did not have a lot of better options in my opening hand. However, I slowly built up a nice mining engine, and managed to up my production fairly well across the board. The bad news was that I needed at least one more generation to make it happen, and finished with the oxygen levels at 10 percent, which will not sustain human life.

Date: 11/23/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 84 0 0
Saturn Systems: I got a really nice Titanium engine going early, and managed to start producing plants around midgame. Sadly, I ran out of time, needing one bump in temperature and three in oxygen, leaving me to wonder where it all went wrong. Perhaps I concentrated too much on points late game, but I thought I would be able to pull it off.

Date: 11/16/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 73 0 0
Inventrix: Well, I thought I had a plan at the start. I had not counted upon my poor MegaCredit management. My failure to properly take my income into account meant that my plan didn't start until five generations after I had wanted, so I was immediately way behind. Still, I recovered okay, with oxygen being the main issue as time went on. It turns out that Mars defeated me.

Date: 11/16/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 77 0 0
UNMI: What can I say? I did not have an ideal opening hand for either of my options, yet somehow found a way to get a pretty good steel production going. It was useful, but I ran out of projecys where it could help, and instead kept running into fairly useless cards. I used my corporate ability whenever possible, hence my good score for losing, but wasn't really all that close. Time to fire it up again.

Date: 11/06/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 59 0 0
Thorgate: Not only was it a loss, but it was one of my most inefficent outings. I was spread out too much, as evidenced by my absurd final tally of 24 titanium sitting around doing nothing. I had to scramble to get done what little that I managed to get done, and it wasn't really very close. It probably would have required two more generations, or maybe longer, but it is clear that my failure to recognize how urgent the situation was led to the demise of the human race. C'est la vie.

Date: 11/06/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 80 0 0
PhoboLog: As usual, it was kind of tough going early on. I used my corporation to get very good titanium production early, which helped me get out some good projects. Sadly, about two thirds of the way through, the titanium stopped being useful, and just piled up in my storehouse. However, the huge MegaCredit income that it helped me achieve kept me in the running, and I ended up just two temperature steps away from completion. Perhaps I could have won if I had been content to have a lower score, but I am fairly okay with how it turned out.

Date: 11/05/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 80      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 80 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Thorgate: It was a fairly uneventful project. I used my corporation a few times in conjunction with energy projects, and managed to get some early plant production. Even so, it came down to the very end, but everything was completed. Mars is habitable.

Date: 11/05/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 74 0 0
Saturn Systems: I had no synergy between my opening hand and two possible corporations, yet somehow managed to get my titanium production up to ridiculous levels. this helped me score 12 bonus points simply from Jovian tags, but my slow start really came back to haunt me, as I needed at least two more generations to finish the planet.

Date: 10/31/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 85 0 0
PhoboLog: I ended up just two oxygen steps short. I mostly had things clicking, mostly. The only problem was that I struggled to get good plant production until late, and ended up spending my valuable MegaCredits to buy greeneries. The good news was that I managed to get nine points out of "Search For Life", which is pretty much unheard of.

Date: 10/30/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 77      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 77 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Helion: I had tremendous production across the board, but it really looked like I got it going too late. Heading out of the thirteenth generation, I had all but given up hope. Then, I ran across a little project known as "Standard Technology". During the final push, I spent six MegaCredits to get that going. While it would have been amazing had I gotten it earlier, it gave me twelve MegaCredits to use in the last generation. A profit of six maight not sound like much, but when it took every last bit of currency for me to finish Mars, then it was incredible.

Date: 10/27/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 87 0 0
Saturn Systems: I had a good thing in the works, but I just ran out of ways to efficiently use my titanium. My oxygen level only increased to 9 percent, but everything else was completed. sadly, even to get to where I was, I spent too much time on the standard projects, so I was spending way too many MegaCredits for what I was actually accomplishing.

Date: 10/27/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 106      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 106 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
EcoLine. I came out swinging, and I never let up. Mars had no idea what it was in for. I smothered that planet with cities and greeneries, leaving the temperature until the latter half of the game. The outcome was never really in doubt, as the project was finished with my first move of the final generation, and I still had plenty of plants left for scoring purposes.

Date: 10/25/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 73      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 73 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
PhoboLog: Wow. I can hardly believe that this game ended up being my first win in a while. I had almost nothing working halfway through the game, but suddenly everything kicked into high gear. Even so, it was my absolute last possible move that finished the terraforming project. It was a genuine nail-biter, as evidenced by my bleeding fingers.

Date: 10/25/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 80 0 0
Inventrix. I had a lot of good things going on. Sadly, those ended with me being 3 percent short on oxygen levels. Mayhaps next time.

Date: 10/17/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 84 0 0
Thorgate: Same corporation again, but this time I was two plants shy of winning. That's right, two measly plants more and I would have finished the project. It was a bitter pill to swallow.

Date: 10/17/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 68 0 0
Thorgate: I got a really strong economy rolling, but perhaps spent too many resources chasing points. I was overconfident around the turning point of the game, and paid for it in the long run. Mars has no survivors.

Date: 10/16/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 81 0 0
Thatrsis Republic: I decided to see if I could take what I had learned, and apply it to a better score. Alas, I was four steps short of victory, and none of the parameters actually maxed out. It was a bitter defeat.

Date: 10/16/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 86      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 86 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Tharsis Republic. I got multiple cities out to work on my economy, and was nearly finished terraforming by the end of the 13th Generation. I then started working on maximizing my points, and ended up with a fairy mediocre score. However, it was a victory my first time playing this corporation, so I am okay with it.

Date: 10/16/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 81      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 81 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Mining Guild. I got a nice engine with steel going early, but I wasn't exactly able to translate everything into points. Still, it was a victory, and those have come rarely as of late.

Date: 10/15/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 62 0 0
UNMI again. Failure. Abysmal failure.

Date: 10/15/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 74 0 0
UNMI: I took too long getting things going, and as soon as I was mining at an incredible rate, I stopped running into projects that would take advantage of it. Still, I finished all of the oceans, and nearly raised the temperature enough for life. Sadly, the oxygen level was still too low, and the planet was abandoned.

Date: 10/09/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 73 0 0
Teractor. Nothing went well. Well, aside from my mining production, which had nothing to do with my corporation, but for some reason I decided to concentrate on it. It helped me get some projects up and running, but I really spent too much time working in the mines to actually complete terraforming on the planet.

Date: 10/07/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 87 0 0
Saturn Systems: I once again got enthralled trying to run my corporation to it's fullest. I was producing a staggering SEVEN titanium each generation, but I ran out of projects to utilize it, so everything fell apart. I ended up being short on all three parameters, so it went pretty poorly.

Date: 10/07/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 87 0 0
Saturn Systems. I did a hell of a job with the Jovian tags, as befits my company, but I was unable to do much about the oxygen level, so I bogged down in ineptitude.

Date: 10/03/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 90      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 90 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Saturn Systems. Wow, this was a much different feeling. Even though I was unable to use the Jovian effect anywhere near it's fullest, I took advantage of my Titanium production to make a ton of money. My income on my final production was 77, and had been above 55 for quite a while. Sadly, even with the added funds from making a bunch of cities, I couldn't get much from microbes or animals, and my score of 90 was about 25 short of challenging for the current Saturn Systems high score.

Date: 10/03/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 99      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 99 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Ecoline. I got a nice economy going, placed a ton of greenery tiles, and had three different sets of animals growing to boost my points. Another city would have been nice, but I'll happily take a victory over yet another defeat.

Date: 10/02/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 74 0 0
CrediCor again, and another defeat. This one was bad, as I squandered my large early pool of MegaCredits and never got my income going. It was not really close.

Date: 10/02/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 83 0 0
CrediCor. I thought all was well. It certainly seemed like it would be. I stopped worrying about my Heat production, and started working towards generating some points. Huge mistake. At the end, I was one temperature increase short of winning, and alas, the terraforming project was a failure.

Date: 09/18/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 87 0 0
PhoboLog again, and I may have scored better, I think, but I was farther away from victory this time. Much farther...

Date: 09/18/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 85 0 0
PhoboLog. It was tough going at first, but once I started drawing into cards that made use of my huge titanium stash, things really took off. Sadly, I was unable to get that last level of Oxygen, and Mars did not become habitable in time to save humanity.

Date: 09/12/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 75      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 75 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Teractor. Once again, I managed to scrape out a victory despite not being able to make good use of my Corporation, although one could argue that the increase in starting capital helped a lot.

Date: 09/12/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 72      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 72 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Teractor, success came very late.

Date: 09/07/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 82      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 82 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Mining Guild. Whereas I utilized my steel production better, it was really an absurd microbe chain that I was doing every turn that helped me out the most. Or should I say the moist?

Date: 09/07/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 56 0 0
Mining League. I got a nice engine, producing high levels of steel, and even a little bit of titanium. Sadly, I made poor use of it, and it just cluttered up my warehouses. Perhaps another attempt...

Date: 09/05/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 97      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 97 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Credicor, with everything clicking on all cylinders. Everything aligned perfectly. I played Soletta in Generation 1 to push my heat production up to 7. I got it up to 10 prtty quickly, and had a little bit going on in most of the tracks, outside of plants. However, I got an Ironworks out fairly early, giving me a way to trade energy for oxygen levels. Then, during the 10th Generation, with the temperature almost maxed, I used Insulation to convert my Heat production of 13 all into MegaCredits. Suddenly, my MegaCredits just from my board gave me 20 per Generation. I spent the last few generations putting out three different animal/microbe cards that netted me a total of about 7 points, and a bunch of cities.

Date: 09/05/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 84 0 0
Credicor, 2 Oxygen levels short. It was very close.

Date: 09/04/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 72 0 0
I tried again with Interplanetray Cinematics, and was two temperature steps away from victory, albeit with a fairly low score. At least it was an improvement.

Date: 09/04/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 47 0 0
This was painfully incompetent of me. I wasn't even close on any of the parameters, and my score was pathetic. I have no idea how to play Interplanetary Cinematics, I have learned.

Date: 09/03/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 76 0 0
I needed two more plants to finish terraforming the planet. Two. Failing that, about fifteen Megacredits would have done it, but ending up two plants short is a real travesty.

Date: 09/01/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 83      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 83 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Helion. I played much more focused, rather than trying to do all of the cool stuff that the timer doesn't exactly allow for in a solo game.

Date: 09/01/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 67 0 0
Helion. Utter defeat.

Date: 08/28/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 59 0 0
Attempt number two with Credicor went worse, but I also played a very different game. I spent time growing microbes and hoping for some titanium production that I never saw. Getting some of that would have made for a very different game.

Date: 08/28/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 65 0 0
Credicor. I got off to the usual slow start, and then really kicked it into high gear, but I needed one more round to have a legitimate shot. I need to figure out how to get my production up earlier.

Date: 08/23/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 79 0 0
Invectrix, and another tough loss. It wasn't very close, so I really need to up my game.

Date: 08/23/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 65 0 0
I have determined that Interplanetary Cinematics is a difficult corporation to master.

Date: 08/22/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 109      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 109 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Andrew was Ecoline, and pumped out a lot of points with animals and greenery tiles.

Date: 08/14/2016    Players: 2    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 83      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 83 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
I won in the final round possible, and I attribute a lot to the fact that I graduated to the full deck of cards. There is still an opportunity to play with other corporations, and to see if I can win earlier, but this was a good finish the two day debut of my new game. Andrew was UNMI.

Date: 08/14/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 69 0 0
I ended up 2 percentage points of oxygen and 8 temperature steps away. It is tough to tell if I did better or worse, but it was a lot faster. The next time I play, the Beginner corporation will not be there.

Date: 08/13/2016    Players: 2    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Andrew 62 0 0
I got off to a shaky start, and I made things harder on myself by not including all of the cards, but I definitely had things moving towards the end. Oxygen was at 10 percent, the temperature was at 0 C, and there were three ocean tiles left. Efficiency would have helped out a lot.