Average Rating: 

Individual Ratings:
Curtis: 3.75
Jacob: 3.00
Game box
Players: 2 - 6
Play Time: 20 - 40min.
Rated Game
Year Published: 2017
Designer(s): Rob Daviau, Justin D. Jacobson, Wolfgang Kramer
BGG Rank: 537
Average Weight: 1.82980
Best with 6 players
Player Rating Games Wins High Score Low Score
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Game History

Date: 09/21/2023    Players: 3    Winner: Curtis    Winning Score: 24000000      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Curtis 24000000 1086 1128
2 Amy 23000000 1181 1173
3 Jacob 19000000 1139 1102
Switchback pass

Date: 09/21/2023    Players: 3    Winner: Amy    Winning Score: 24000000      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Amy 24000000 1149 1181
2 Jacob 13000000 1141 1139
3 Curtis 9000000 1119 1086
Crosstown speedway

Date: 01/01/2022    Players: 4    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 25000000      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 25000000 1262 1297
2 Curtis 11000000 1085 1119
3 Amy 6000000 1165 1149
4 Jacob -2000000 1200 1141

Date: 12/29/2018    Players: 5    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 25000000      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 25000000 1200 1262
2 Wendy 23000000 1222 1248
3 Kevin 19000000 1209 1205
4 Josh 15000000 1256 1211
5 Curtis 5000000 1134 1085

Date: 11/24/2018    Players: 6    Winner: Guest 1    Winning Score: 19       *** Out of Box Game ***

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Guest 1 19 0 0
2 Guest 2 17 0 0
3 Guest 3 6 0 0
4 Guest 4 5 0 0
5 Andrew 4 0 0
6 Curtis 3 0 0
Curtis is Guest 5 again.

Date: 11/24/2018    Players: 6    Winner: Andrew    Winning Score: 21       *** Out of Box Game ***

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Andrew 21 0 0
2 Guest 1 18 0 0
3 Guest 2 16 0 0
4 Guest 3 8 0 0
5 Guest 4 3 0 0
6 Curtis 2 0 0
Curtis is my fill in for Guest 5, as that option was not there. :(

Date: 10/06/2018    Players: 5    Winner: Wendy    Winning Score: 25000000      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Wendy 25000000 1149 1222
2 Josh 17000000 1234 1256
3 Kevin 13000000 1213 1209
4 Amy 12000000 1200 1165
5 Curtis 12000000 1200 1134

Date: 06/10/2018    Players: 3    Winner: Josh    Winning Score: 25000000      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Josh 25000000 1200 1234
2 Kevin 13000000 1217 1213
3 Wendy 5000000 1182 1149

Date: 05/28/2018    Players: 2    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 20000000      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 20000000 1200 1217
2 Wendy 19000000 1200 1182