Marvel United
Average Rating: 

Individual Ratings:
Kevin: 4.50
Game box
Players: 1 - 4
Play Time: 40 - 40min.
Unrated Game
Year Published: 2020
Designer(s): Andrea Chiarvesio, Eric M. Lang
BGG Rank: 8817
Average Weight: 2.16670
Best with 4 players
Player Rating Games Wins High Score Low Score
The Game0221000
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Game History

Date: 05/27/2024    Players: 2    Winner: Wendy    Winning Score: 5      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Wendy 5 0 0
2 Kevin 5 0 0
Wendy - Gold team - x-23 and Snowbird, Kevin - Blue team - Strong man and Polaris

Date: 05/27/2024    Players: 2    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 2      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 2 0 0
2 Wendy 2 0 0
Kevin - Blue team - Psylocke and Banshee, Wendy - Gold team - Colossus and Archangel

Date: 11/12/2022    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
She-hulk (w), Captain Marvel (w), the Punisher (k), Iron Man (k)were barely defeated by the Sinister Six

Date: 11/12/2022    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
She-hulk (w), Daredevil (w), the Punisher (k), Moon Knight (k)were defeated by the Sinister Six

Date: 07/10/2022    Players: 3    Winners: Kevin, Wendy    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
3 The Game 0 0 0
Door (k), colossus (k), rogue (w), and nightcrawler (w) defeated Sebastian Shaw (barely)

Date: 06/11/2022    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
Mojo defeated kitty pride (k), Emma frost (w), Deadpool (w), and somebody I forget

Date: 02/19/2022    Players: 3    Winners: Kevin, Wendy    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
3 The Game 0 0 0
Jessica Jones (w), Shang Chi (w), moon Knight (K), and Punisher (K) defeated M.O.D.O.K.

Date: 11/28/2021    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
Sabertooth defeated Wolverine, Storm (K), Mystique, and Beast (W)

Date: 10/10/2021    Players: 4    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
4 The Game 0 0 0
Professor X (Wendy), Magneto (Josh), and Wolverine (Kevin) defeated Juggernaut

Date: 07/05/2021    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
Nick fury (K), wasp (W), Gamora (K), Nova (W) were defeated by Kang

Date: 07/05/2021    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
Spiderverse expansion

Date: 06/19/2021    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
America Chavez (w), Falcon (K), Yondu (w), and Drax (K) were defeated by taskmaster

Date: 06/01/2021    Players: 3    Winners: Kevin, Wendy    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
3 The Game 0 0 0
Daredevil (w), Spider-Man 2099 (K), doctor strange (w), She-Hulk (K) defeated rhino

Date: 05/16/2021    Players: 4    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Black panther expansion

Date: 05/09/2021    Players: 4    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Starlord (K), rocket (W), and groot (J) defeated Ronin

Date: 05/09/2021    Players: 4    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Josh    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Josh 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
The Punisher (K), scarlet Witch (J), and Moon Knight (W) defeated kingpin

Date: 05/08/2021    Players: 3    Winner: Kevin    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
3 The Game 0 0 0
Thor (w), Korg (w), Valkyrie (K), and beta Ray Bill (K) defeated loki

Date: 05/06/2021    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
2 Wendy 0 0 0
Hela defeated Squirrel Girl (w) and Ms. Marvel (K)

Date: 03/20/2021    Players: 4    Winners: Kevin, Wendy, Jackie    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
1 Jackie 0 0 0
2 The Game 0 0 0
Kevin - Wasp, Wendy - captain marvel, Jackie - Hulk drafted red skull

Date: 02/27/2021    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
3 Wendy 0 0 0
Ultron defeated black widow (K) and Captain America (W)

Date: 01/30/2021    Players: 3    Winners: Kevin, Wendy    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
3 The Game 0 0 0
Wasp (W) and Captain marvel (K) defeat Taskmaster on moderate

Date: 12/25/2020    Players: 3    Winner: The Game    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 The Game 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
3 Wendy 0 0 0
Lost to red skull on hard as ant man (K) and iron man (W)

Date: 10/31/2020    Players: 3    Winner: Wendy    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Wendy 0 0 0
2 Kevin 0 0 0
3 The Game 0 0 0
Played in Pigeon Forge. Defeated Ultron with Hulk (K) and Captain America (W)

Date: 08/15/2020    Players: 3    Winners: Kevin, Wendy    Winning Score: 0      

Place Player Score Previous Rating New Rating
1 Kevin 0 0 0
1 Wendy 0 0 0
3 The Game 0 0 0
Captain marvel (W) and Captain America (K) Vs Taskmaster